If you didn’t know, people are getting kicked off of major platforms just because of their beliefs. Big social media companies want to shut down free speech for a select few that don’t agree with them. Since when is free speech not free anymore and why must we go along with other’s fantasies about reality?

I was listening to the radio and heard a man named Dennis Prager speak. He was talking about how the education system is deteriorating in regards to universities. Instantly I was drawn into what he was saying and wanted to check out his 5 minute videos about truth at Prager U.

Prager U is a fantastic resource for hearing the common sense viewpoint of things- which is my kind of talk. In a world today where truth is whatever you want it to be, it was refreshing to listen to these videos. YouTube kicked Dennis Prager off their platform because they didn’t want others to hear what he has to say.

He hasn’t been the only one kicked out of a social media platform. This is exactly why our society is in this frame of mind where we can’t talk about reality anymore. Celebrities, media outlets, and major platforms like Facebook and YouTube will delete people’s accounts they don’t agree with. (See this article on YouTube censoring keyword “christian”).

Since when is free speech not free speech anymore? European and now Air Canada airlines no longer address people as “ladies and gentleman” but as “everybody.” They are going along with the idea that addressing people as ladies and gentlemen is offensive now because it doesn’t include everyone. 

I’m not 21 years old just because I feel like it and identify that way. I’m almost 30 years old according to reality and my birth certificate to prove it. But if we challenge other people’s delusions then we are the ones with a problem. It’s no longer a psychological identity crisis, it’s the new normal. 

When will it stop? Well it depends on YOU. What do you believe? Do you just go along with what you hear from celebrities or do you have a mind of your own? 

We have to be willing to voice our opinions and back others who will do the same. Knowing and speaking about the truth does not make a person insensitive. It’s common sense. 

I believe we need to get back to common sense and common decency towards other people. We need to get back to a place where we aren’t ruled by popular opinion or our emotions alone. We don’t need to live in fear of speaking the truth and some people being offended.

Somebody somewhere, will always find something to take offense at whatever is said.

That being said, sharing common sense and truth doesn’t give us a license to run around offending people. As Christians, we’re called to be love to EVERYONE. So when we speak the truth, it should still be in love

The Bible mentions that as Christians, we also don’t go around causing arguments. That isn’t love. At the same time, we can voice what we believe and support others who do the same at the right time and place with the right attitude.

Over the mantle of our fireplace at home, we have a sign that says “You have to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.” Free speech isn’t seeming so free anymore but we must hold firm to our convictions! And truth is NOT relative. 


What are your thoughts?

Stay hopeful!