Who do YOU want to be?
Who do I want to be?
I want to be a contributing member of society. I don’t want to hide away in fear of others or fear of making a mistake. Life is messy and hard plus sometimes downright scary if you let it…
“No Fear” are two words we need to remember and share with everyone.
I don’t care anymore about what people think… at least not as much as I did before. After going through what I did, I just really don’t care anymore. This life is so temporary and with what I just witnessed this past month, it made it even more apparent.
You may feel alone with your needs unmet, deeply hurt, or concealing a secret that is eating you up. Please don’t just stick out your marriage waiting on the death part lol. It’s funny but not, I understand. No matter how desperate your marriage situation may be, it is not completely hopeless. Marriage can be a beautiful thing instead of a miserable thing.
How can we overcome fear in a fear-driven world? Fear is something I’ve struggled with over the years. Fear of failure, fear of being around other people, and fear of the unknown.
To be real, I don’t have 5 easy steps to a perfect fearless life. It’s something I’m still learning to fight but I came across something recently that spoke directly to my heart. Here it is…