I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family! This past Sunday, we had a special family moment at our Christmas service that I will always treasure and wanted to share with y’all! We were singing “Joy to the World” and I had just handed Anna to my husband because I was tired from dancing while holding her. 

A few verses into the song, all three of us were raising our hands and worshipping the Lord. It was such a beautiful moment and of course, this momma had tears running down her face! I got hit with overwhelming feelings of thankfulness to the Lord for all His many blessings and especially my little family.

Last night we saw the Chosen Christmas special for 2021 and I was inspired to read the account of Mary and her response to everything going on in Luke 1. I read the words with fresh eyes realizing that she had a very thankful, humble, and obedient heart for the Lord and found favor in His eyes. I want to be like that at ALL times!

I also read and was surprised at the irony of both John the Baptist and Jesus beginning their ministries at the age of 30. I thought it was so cool that I in a way, began my ministry at the age of 30 caring for my sweet baby girl as well.

My season of wait

You know I had a different timetable in mind for when I wanted to get married and when I wanted to start having babies. I wanted to get married younger and be a younger mom like my mom was, but there I was and none of those things happened for me.

After the long, long season of wait and loneliness (that really wasn’t that long in retrospect), I realized on the other side of waiting that it was worth it. It was worth waiting for the right spouse and it was worth waiting for God’s perfect timing in having our first child.

It’s funny that things would come together when I had almost given up hope. God in His perfect timing would work all things out for my good (Romans 8:28 still holds up). I’m still learning to trust that the Lord has His reasons and knows best in seasons of wait.

My struggle if you didn’t know already from prior posts is with worry and fear. So as you can imagine, seasons of waiting aren’t my best memories. My current worries are about my daughter and her future, worry about my family, etc.

A couple of Sundays ago, I was gently reminded as I have been in years past, that I’m carrying worries that I was never meant to carry. I felt convicted and went down to the altar and gave it to Jesus. I left church feeling lighter and at peace once again. 

If you struggle with doubts, fears, and worries like me, you may have something you need to lay at Jesus’s feet. There might be things you’re trying to control that are stealing your peace and robbing you of joy you can experience now, even in the waiting.

Lay it all down

Why should we carry burdens we weren’t built to carry? Jesus has the shoulders to bear ALL our burdens, He was literally made for it. Jesus sent His one and only Son to be many things to us, including being the Prince of Peace and our Wonderful Counselor. 

I’m so glad the Lord is patient and gracious to me by reminding me to give it all to Him when I struggle with holding onto things beyond my control. If you’re in the season of wait, know that your season of joy is coming and can even be experienced now while you wait. Give it all to Jesus and find peace today! 

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” ~Jesus (Matthew 11:28‭-‬30)

A Prayer For You

Lord, I’ve been trying to do things in my own power and timing. Please take control of my life. I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet. I thank You for allowing me to cast my cares on You so that I can live at peace and with a joyful heart in every circumstance. I place my burdens and trust in You alone. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay hopeful!

Below is an encouraging chill song and another post on this topic when I was struggling a couple of years ago.

Are you focused on your problem or on God?