So many of us dismiss God until we need something. We get to a point of desperation and then ask for help. Then we get so angry that He isn’t answering our prayers. But ponder on this… why would God listen to you when you aren’t listening to Him?


This doesn’t mean God is a genie in a bottle that will grant any 3 wishes your little heart desires. It means we shouldn’t only be going to God when things go bad. We need to be more mindful of where our heart is and stop blaming God when bad things happen. And honestly, there are times in all our lives where the bad things are consequences that we brought on ourselves but expect God to bail us out.

Did you know God doesn’t need us?

You might be thinking, ‘why would you say that?’ Well, the truth is, God doesn’t need us. He’s already all-powerful, all-knowing, and omnipresent. Yet, He still loves us and wants a relationship with us. But we need Him. God has plans that are better than we have for ourselves but we think we know better. His plans will bring hope to hopeless situations. Joy and unshakable peace in the midst of heartache. He can see things that would affect us now and years down the road that we have no idea about.

Do you really think you know better than the Creator of the universe?

If you love Him you will obey Him. When you don’t, you’re literally mocking Him and taking for granted what He’s done for you. We need to stop making excuses and pursue Him with all our heart, mind, and souls. Heck, you might even start reading the Bible! Imagine that! You may begin hearing God again convicting you and showing you what to do next.

If you truly need answers and help from the Lord, search your heart and see if there’s anything you aren’t doing that He told you to do. If you’re honest with yourself, you probably know already. But for some, you’ve been hardened to His call by disobeying so many times that you can’t remember. I’ve been there so I know the feeling.

Are the lines blurred and gray for you?

Let’s stop applying biblical truths ONLY when it’s convenient. Let’s stop living only for ourselves and start living for God. Let’s start fully loving Him. You’re either all in or all out. There are no blurred or gray lines in heaven. God’s holiness will reveal all truth whether it was hidden or not. We need to quit pretending that everything is fine when we’re not at all fine.

When you exercise, it’s not always pleasant at the moment when you push your body to the limits. But the end result is that you have more endurance and strength than you had before. It boggles my mind that we discipline and push our bodies to the limits knowing we will grow old and eventually return to the ground, yet we can’t live out our faith knowing our souls are eternal…

I know doing the right thing isn’t always the most desirable or the most popular. It takes a strong person to take a stand when no one else will. But I will say that it gets easier the more you do it.  Remember sometimes love hurts, but it’s worth the growing pains. In the long run, you’ll experience more satisfaction and peace by following the Lord.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

Deuteronomy 6:5 

A Prayer For You

Lord thank You for this soul-searching reminder You’ve given to me. Help me to not be consumed with myself and blinded by my own ignorance about my relationship with You. Please give me a burning desire to seek you with every part of me. I trust that You will help me stay strong and not grow weary in doing good. I pray that Your will would be done in and through my life. In Jesus name, amen.