I’ve looked into all kinds of diet options that are either completely strict or expensive. I want to throw all of that out of my mind and simplify things, don’t you? I’ve been feeling the nudge to eat better but haven’t. Maybe you’re in the same boat.

Everyone has an opinion about carbs, fat, and what not but again, we aren’t trying to be bodybuilders. We just want to be healthier for ourselves and our families. In order to keep it simple, I’m going to start looking for ways to eat more natural foods. That’s it – just eating natural foods. 

God created delicious sources of food for us but humans have perverted them in order to make extra money. Big food corporations use unnatural things in order to cut corners to make foods quicker, make them taste sweeter, and have a longer shelf life.

I believe the major reasons why we have so many diseases is because of the unnatural things we are consuming. Also the fact that many are less active because of desk jobs. Pop tastes great but it’s completely man-made and full of high fructose corn syrup and added sugar. Then “diet” pop emerged with fake sugar for people with diabetes. The problem with fake sugar substitutes is that they are unnatural and have been linked to all kinds of ailments.

I found an article on Healthline that talked about the correlation between cancer and food that we consume. Dr. Bilchik professor at John Wayne Cancer Institute and Chief of general surgery at St. John’s Health Center said: “It really is sending a message that you can be physically active (and not) smoke, but if you’re eating poorly, you’re still putting yourself at risk of getting cancer.”

What Foods To Avoid

Below is the list of foods that are increasing cancer in our world today.

  • insufficient intake of dairy products
  • eating too much processed meat
  • not including enough vegetables and fruits in meals
  • over consumption of red meat
  • drinking too many sugar-sweetened beverages

Cancer isn’t our only concern. Diabetes, heart disease, and not to mention our quality of life are also at risk by the foods we eat. No wonder the Lord tells us that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and treat it as such!

Avoiding the drive through and shopping for better foods is my plan of action.

Food To Eat

At the grocery store, I’ll start looking for items that you would find naturally instead of the fake big corporation stuff. For example, using ingredients for my meals that are fresh instead of processed and prepackaged foods, 100% whole wheat bread, non-GMO, grass-fed, no added sugar, no added hormones, no antibiotics, organic, no preservatives added, etc. because that is how God intended them to be.

We don’t have to cut out all carbs or sugars from our diet. The key is always moderation. When we have a well balanced diet of natural foods and are avoiding the fake stuff, we’ll feel better and avoid unnecessary diseases. Even people who work out 7 days a week are at risk if they aren’t eating good foods. They make look fit on the outside but it matters what you’re also consuming in your body.

Below is the recommended diet for active men and women.

  • Grains, especially whole grains (examples are foods containing wheat, corn, rice, or oats): 9 servings
  • Dairy products: 2 to 3 servings
  • Vegetables: 4 servings
  • Fruits: 3 servings
  • Low-fat meats, eggs, dry beans, nuts: 2 servings for a total of 6 ounces

Ultimately, you’re the keeper of your body. You have the decision of whether you will make better food choices. Choose wisely for yourself and for your family!

Next week I’ll be talking about healthy foods specifically mentioned in the Bible that we should add to our diet.

A Prayer For You

Lord, please forgive us for not being as mindful about what we consume and do with our bodies. Show us how to take better care of ourselves by making wise choices and passing that legacy on to future generations. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Do you eat clean or do you need to do better like I do?


Stay hopeful!