This past Sunday, my body literally turned to mush and I realized I was doing too much. You see I work full-time where I have to be 100% focused looking at numbers all day. That in itself is exhausting to the point I just want to come home and lie on the couch all night.

In the evenings, I help out my husband with his Discord and his Twitch channel. I also run this blog, try to post frequently on social media accounts, volunteer at church, have an Etsy store, and a YouTube channel that I rarely touch now. And of course, I’m trying to read like 3 different books at one time.

I’m a busybody that likes to do everything and do it perfectly. Y’all are either like wow this girl’s got some serious issues or you can relate. So when I’m trying to run multiple things at once, somethings gotta give. And it did this Sunday. I literally couldn’t move…

I told my husband we needed toilet paper but I wasn’t going into the store to get it. My body was complete mush like it felt jello. All I could do was lay my head back on the car seat. So he ran in to get it while I napped deliriously in the car.

It’s ironic that I felt like FOCUS was my word for this past year. All the while I’ve got my hand in several buckets trying to do too much. Why did it take me a year to realize this?! It’s no wonder that I can stay focused without taking breaks doing all these things then I hit a brick wall and want to do NOTHING.

Our Pastor made a great point on Sunday saying, “What you cannot rest from, you are a slave to.” Let that sink in for all you busybodies like me. Even if the things you are doing are good and even benefit the kingdom of God, you still gotta rest.

God literally told us to take a break once a week. Why is it so hard for me to do even that? Even God rested after He created the world with everything in it. I’m not better than God am I? Heck no!

It took me a year, but I’m finally seeing that I cannot do everything and I need to carve out time to rest. I don’t need to feel guilty that I’m not omnipresent or for taking a break one night.

My new word for this year is thrive (see post Do you want to thrive in the new year?) but I can’t do that if I’m doing too much and need rest. I can’t be thriving when I hit a brick wall and need to sleep in the car!


Are you doing too much? Do you need to rest? Don’t be like me and feel guilty for saying no to things and resting. Join me on this journey of thriving and enjoying the year ahead! We can be even more successful when we get intentional with our time and learn how to rest.

Stay hopeful!