5 Uncategorized You are released from the pressure to be perfect I’ve felt a lot of pressure lately to be perfect. Can you relate? I know I need to quit trying to be perfect but give… TweetSharePinShareShare25 Shares
Encouragement Give Honor Where Honor Is Due It seems everyone wants to point out how the millennial generation is horrible. Well folks, I’m a millennial but I don’t like to be grouped with… TweetSharePinShareShare7 Shares
2 Encouragement 7 Ways To Become a Proverbs 31 Woman What is the measure of a perfect woman? Is it how successful we appear? I want to be the perfect woman, don’t you? We always… TweetSharePinShareShare11 Shares
Encouragement Stop Wasting Your Talents What gifts do you have that you aren’t utilizing? We all have God-given talents and abilities. We are all different but that’s what makes us… TweetSharePinShareShare5 Shares
2 EncouragementStress 3 Ways To Stop Worrying Why do you worry? How many times must I remind you that the battle is not yours? I am in control and making a way…. TweetSharePinShareShare1K Shares
4 Encouragement Find Your Bloom Today I was racking my brain about changing my blog name and peeked out my back window for inspiration. I saw this beautiful, vibrant rose… TweetSharePinShareShare7 Shares
Encouragement Wake Up! How long will you ignore My truth oh people? How long will you disobey My commands? I have called you to do great things but… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
Encouragement No Longer Weak Little Girls The Lord has been really speaking to me lately. He has put some things on my heart that I want to share with you today… I… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
Encouragement Word of the Lord Today Men look at outward appearances but I look at their hearts. I love you and desire a relationship with you. I’ve called you to a… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
2 Encouragement Never Stop Chasing Your Dreams Every day going to work and coming back I see people on the streets, people who look like they are in need. My heart breaks… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares