1 Tragedy You Are Never Alone I hate to be a downer on Cinco de Mayo but it is what it is. My emotions are raw and it has been a… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
4 Book Club Prayer Strategy - Passion & Focus I’ve been reading the book Fervent by Priscilla Shirer and I am excited to share with you the first 2 out of 10 prayer strategies!… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
2 EncouragementStress How To Overcome Loneliness I have felt very strongly that there are many of you out there who feel alone right now. All of us at one time or… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
1 Encouragement Keep Calm And Smile On This Christmas Season This time of year gets crazy. Your to do list seems endless and time seems to slipping out of your hands. You have so much… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
EncouragementRelationships The Greatest Gift Ever Given Is there more to Christmas than pumpkin spiced lattés, gift giving, tree decorating, delicious food, dirty Santa, and ugly sweater parties? Of course there is!… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
Encouragement Can you be a Christian if you...? Can you be a Christian and still be selfish? Can you be a Christian and still sin? Can you be a Christian and be unreasonable… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
2 Encouragement Everyone Has A Story My grandpa, who I call Papa, taught me something that has helped mold me into the woman I am today. He told me years ago… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares