Lately, I’ve been getting on an exercise routine and oh my gosh, I’ve been sooo sore! I tried to start out slow and steady but I ended up super sore anyway. Have you ever worked out so hard that you’re muscles literally are swollen and sort of balled up? Well, my legs feel like they’ve grown like 2 sizes just from a couple of weeks of using them again.

If we don’t use our muscles, we will lose them. If you don’t believe me, just ask those who have been bedridden for a while or someone who had an injury and lost their strength. What does this have to do with finding purpose in our life? Everything! God has gifted us with specific talents. If we don’t use those talents, we could lose them (Matthew 25:25-26,28)

“We’re not held back by what we don’t have, but by what we don’t use.” -BobGoff

Growing up I’ve been looking for answers to these 2 questions: why am I here and what am I supposed to do? Books and strength tests are great but they still don’t give direct answers. That’s been the most frustrating part to me. I want to know! Most of my life I’ve felt I’ve been floating aimlessly trying to discover it (sort of still am). The beautiful part of life is that it’s a journey full of discovering ourselves and why we are here, no matter our age.

I’m definitely no expert on this matter as I’m searching out my own purpose daily. God has put on my heart to research this topic and share with you all my findings. I have found some very eye-opening revelations. One book I’ve been reading is “The Purpose of Man: Designed to Worship” by A.W. Tozer. Another book that I highly recommend reading is “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren. Again these don’t have all the answers to literally tell you what you should do but they are helpful.

One of the items I kept of my Dad’s after he passed away was the “The Purpose Driven Life” book by Rick Warren. In it, he highlighted some things I want to share with you. “Living to create an earthly legacy is a short-sighted goal.” Maybe you’ll be someone who goes down in history for what you do but honestly, people will read it, say oh that’s cool and move on.

Our legacy surpasses the physical realm and extends to the spiritual realm. Meaning, God’s opinion of us is all that really matters. If we are living to please Him and use the talents He gave us, then we’ve done it. If we’re working around the clock for more money, prestige, or glory, that will all fade away with time. I love my trophies and medals but now they collect dust and who really cares? They’ll just be tossed in the trash.

There’s nothing wrong with achieving things and winning in life but we need to make sure our heart is pure. We need to make sure we do the things we do to glorify God and not ourselves. We can gain everything in the world but lose our souls in the process. What purpose is there in that though?

We can strive after power, education, career, money, fame, or pleasure. But where will that leave us? Lonely, unfulfilled, looking for more, desperate for change, etc. “Without a purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without direction, and events without reason. Without a purpose, life is trivial, petty, and pointless. (Rick Warren.)”

Here is the good news: “God is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of – infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes (Ephesians 3:19-21).” Remember that when one door is closed, another will open. Meaning when you come across an opportunity but it doesn’t pan out, don’t sweat it. If you discover you really aren’t good at something, you’re one step closer to discovering what you can do. God has something else for you that’ll work out even better.

I set out to become a doctor when I started college. I soon realized that I couldn’t tolerate blood, at all. Then I switched to a Physical Therapy degree. I finished this degree without realizing that I get physically weak when I see anyone with an injury… I know brilliant right?

So there I was with a degree with something I really won’t be able to do much with. Yet God worked things out so that I landed a full-time job because of the 4-year degree. Little did I know that God would use my years of studying in school to become a caregiver to my Dad. Even though my life didn’t make sense and I was super frustrated, God still worked things out and had a plan for my life.

I’ve learned that I love to write, learn anything and everything, paint, play music, solve problems, and explore the outdoors. These things give me energy. I get lost in writing and have a burning passion for it. I feel like the Lord wants me to share things He puts on my heart with you all.

You have giftings and talents that the Lord has placed within you, even if you don’t know it yet. The Lord is faithful to give us the desires of our heart when we are in right relationship with Him. Emphasis on the second part of that statement. It may not be on our preferred timetable but believe that He will reveal it to you as you seek Him and try new things.

No, I’m not saying to jump around from job to job or move to random places. I’m saying it’s a good idea to make time to try things out to see how you enjoy them. See what energizes you. Find out things that you excel in when you have free time. You will find out quickly what you’re good at or what gives you a headache to do. Once you find it, devote yourself to that thing.

The other highlighted area that my Dad highlighted from Rick Warren’s book sums up this topic. When we die and stand before God, He will ask us 2 gut-wrenching questions:

“First, What did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ? Did you accept what Jesus did for you and did you learn to love and trust Him?”

“Second, What did you do with what I gave you? What did you do with your life – all the gifts, talents, opportunities, energy, relationships, and resources God gave you? Did you spend them on yourself, or did you use them for the purposes God made you for?”

As you can tell, Rick Warren brings some valid points to the table for us to ponder. I enjoy listening to his podcasts and reading his Bible plans. In fact, I’m reading one right now called “God’s Dream For Your Life” by Rick Warren
( I encourage you to check it out.

We started this series with What Is Our Why in Life. We set the foundation with the last post, Who Are You Really. Now we can begin finding our purpose with what we just discussed. My next post will be on things that can hinder our purpose.

Know that you aren’t alone on this journey to find your purpose in life, I’m right there with you. Life is short, so let’s live our best lives now and stop making excuses. God has His best planned for us but we have to be willing and ready. (See Jeremiah 29:11).

Below are some resources to help you on your journey. Please don’t let fear or comparing yourself to others keep you from being the best you. Remember to glorify God with all that you do and He will give you the desires of your heart.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for creating and loving me for me. Please show me what my talents are and what I’m here for. Reveal to me when to walk through the door of opportunities and when to close doors. I trust You and know You have great plans for my future, better than I can imagine. Help me to remember this in the good and bad seasons of life. In Jesus’ name, amen.



Stay hopeful!




What lasting legacy do you want to leave?

This is #3 in a 3 part series:

  1. What is our “why” in life?
  2. Who are you (really)?
  3. What is My Purpose in Life?

Also, check out 5 Things That Can Hinder Your Purpose.