It’s easy to get caught up in the motions and miss our “why in life. We do the right things but not always for the right reasons. It becomes more of a habit instead of a conscious choice. So what is our “why” in life?

First and foremost, you won’t ever find out who you are when you don’t know where you came from. No, I’m not talking about who your parents were. I’m talking about who created this world and everyone in it.

Do you really think that we were created for no purpose at all? Do you think that when we die, there’s nothing more? Life has so much more meaning than that. We were created by God on purpose for a specific purpose. You weren’t a mistake and your life does have meaning.

You can try all kinds of things to fill the void you have in your heart. You know, that feeling like there’s got to be something more. That’s a natural feeling we get because we were created for more. Recognizing that is the first step.

The why part can be explained by these two commandments below that Jesus said were the greatest (Matthew 22:37‭-‬40).

1. Love the Lord with EVERYTHING we have – with our heart, soul, and mind. Why? We need to reciprocate God’s love. We do this by realizing that we are loved, accepting that love, and loving God in return. Then we can begin to fulfill our purpose.

Sure this sounds like an easy thing to do right? To say ‘I love you Lord and know You love me’ but it’s so much more than that. It happens in our daily thoughts and actions.

It’s choosing God’s will when we feel like doing things our own way. We know we’re dating the wrong person but we stay with them anyway because we want to. We know we shouldn’t be spending that money but we feel like we deserve it. Are you seeing a pattern here?

We’re living in a culture that says to do whatever feels good. “You do you.” The problem with that is if we did everything we felt like doing, our lives would be a complete mess.

I don’t know about you but I don’t feel like going to work every day. I don’t always feel like being nice or helpful. I don’t always feel like turning down desserts and seconds either. The point is, we have to grow up and give our emotions to the Lord.

2. Love others. God wants us to love EVERYONE that we come into contact with. No exceptions. Why? Since we are sons and daughters of God now, we can’t help but love others because Christ loves us. When we are filled to the brim with God’s love, it will spill over into how we treat others.

When we are filled to the brim with God's love, it will spill over into how we treat others.Click To Tweet

In Romans 12:9-21 we find that our love must come from a genuine attitude doing the things below…

  • Really love people, don’t just pretend.
  • Share with those in need and practice hospitality.
  • Bless and pray for those who persecute us.

Remember what Jesus said hanging on the cross about His perpetrators? “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Why did He say this?

Jesus came for everyone who chooses to believe in Him. There is no favoritism based on class, gender, race, political party, or good deeds. Jesus loves us equally and died for us ALL. He was showing us that loving everyone includes our enemies.

Jesus knew this about his perpetrators who were torturing Him. He knew they were being played the fool and had no clue what they are doing. They had no idea that they were killing the Son of God who was dying FOR THEM as a living sacrifice.

After Jesus took His last breath, dark clouds formed, the earth shook, and rocks split (Matthew 27:51). The soldiers were terrified and realized this must have really been the Son of God and they just killed Him (Matthew 27:54)!

This is why we have to realize that people are not our enemy. People don’t always realize that God and Jesus are real and see the evil in their lives. We have a spiritual enemy that is very real.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” Ephesians 6:12.

Satan is the enemy. Do you know what satan stands for? In Hebrew, it means “the accuser” or “the adversary”. The definition of the accuser is, “to charge with a fault or offense: blame”. The definition of an adversary is “one that contends with, opposes, or resists: an enemy or opponent” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

It’s easier to love others the quicker we realize that no person is our enemy. Satan is the deceiver behind it but don’t stoop to his level. “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” Romans 12:21.

So there we have it! We know our “why” in life: to love the Lord and to love others. It’s not just a good idea, Jesus says these are the 2 greatest commandments. Now that we know our why we can begin to live our lives with more meaning when we do things.

If you’ve never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and curious to find out more, please see How To Accept Jesus & Next Steps.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, please show me how to love You in word and action. Show me how to also love others as You do. Even my enemies. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay hopeful!

What do you think your purpose is in life?

This is a #1 of a 3 part series:

    1. What is our “why” in life?
    2. Who are you (really)?
    3. What is My Purpose in Life?