Knowing who we are will impact how successful we are in life. We set the foundation from the last post What is our “why” in life? Now let’s explore ourselves. So who are you (really)?

It just makes me sick to see people waste their God-given talents! Yet I can look back on my life and say I’ve let doubts and fear keep me away from things. It definitely limited my ability to be successful and I don’t want that to happen to you! Don’t let YOU limit yourself!

Another thing that keeps us from being our best is other’s influence. Don’t let anyone’s influence on you limit your future. I don’t care who they were and what they meant to you. Sometimes people with the best intentions give the wrong advice. Sometimes people try to live their dreams out vicariously through us. Sometimes people want to keep us from reaching our potential because they never reached theirs.

3 Factors that influence who we are:

  1. Environment – family (can’t help), friends (by choice), and others we’ve allowed to influence us and become our role models
  2. What we believe about ourselves – our thoughts and attitudes
  3. Choices we make

The newest book I’ve been reading lately is “The Boy Who Carried Bricks” by Alton Carter. It’s about a young boy who grew up in poverty, was neglected by his own family, and his only wish was to have a “normal” life. A life where you had food in the refrigerator and a happy family at home. You go from one story to another in shock of what Alton Carter went through.

I mention this book because he never gave up even when others came against him. He didn’t let what others thought or said about him keep him from rising above his circumstances. He uprooted himself from toxic people and is now fulfilling his purpose in life. He now helps youth by showing love and encouraging them to go after their dreams.

Your past doesn’t define you. It doesn’t matter what toxic words were said to you, your education, your skin color, what you’ve done, or where you grew up. Only you can limit yourself from being the best you RIGHT NOW.

What we believe about ourselves will either limit us or urge us in the direction of a divine calling. God created you with the desires and talents you have for a purpose. We can let excuses suck our future dry or we can choose to be brave.

Look I understand it’s easy to point fingers and say look at those successful people who had it so easy. Or you start comparing yourself to others and think, ‘I can’t ever be as successful as they are.’ Don’t fall into the comparison trap as so many have.

You don’t have to have a massive social media following, the most fashionable clothes, or a fancy car to be successful. Outward success doesn’t equal inward bliss. Success is knowing who you are, finding your purpose, and doing something about it.

Success is knowing who you are, finding your purpose, and doing something about it. @alattehopeClick To Tweet


So who are you, what are your talents and what energizes you? What’s that one thing you enjoy talking about the most and spend time looking up? Taking it a step further, what are you doing about it? Write down your answers and start exploring your options.

For Fun

I heard about this free personality test that I recommend taking. Let me know what personality type you are in the comments below and I’ll tell you mine! The website is

Our team at work took a really cool strengths finder test called the Clifton Strength Test. We only tested for the top 5 strengths instead of all 34 in order to maximize on our top strengths. Here is the cheapest test for revealing your top 5 strengths:

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for gifting me with the abilities I have. Forgive me for not using them as I should. Give me the strength and wisdom to fulfill my purpose in life and find out who I am. Show me how to replace the fear of inadequacy with Your truths about who You created me to be. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Stay hopeful!




This is #2 in a 3 part series:

  1. What is our “why” in life?
  2. Who are you (really)?
  3. What is My Purpose in Life?