6 Encouragement Oh So Priceless After having a very long day, I was searching through the Firestick to see what I could mindlessly watch. Something told me to scroll down… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
2 Uncategorized 4 Ways To Meet Your Health Goals So I decided to start eating better and exercising regularly! Already I feel more energized throughout the day plus I also feel less stressed! My aim… TweetSharePinShareShare1 Shares
1 Tragedy You Are Never Alone I hate to be a downer on Cinco de Mayo but it is what it is. My emotions are raw and it has been a… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
2 Encouragement It Ain't Over Til' It's Over “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
2 Encouragement Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It “Your mission, should you choose to accept it” is one of my favorite movie lines. I immediately feel a sense of thrill and anticipation for the… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
Encouragement I Can Only Imagine Have you lost someone special or close to you? Have you ever thought about if they’re in heaven or what heaven might be like? Well,… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
1 Book ClubEncouragement How to Love the Skin You’re In So growing up I didn’t exactly have the best father figure and male role model. I don’t mean to speak negatively about my father at… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
4 Encouragement Why would God listen to you when you won't listen to Him? So many of us dismiss God until we need something. We get to a point of desperation and then ask for help. Then we get… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
news Ready Player One - Escape Reality Oh, the irony that Ready Player One came out a few days before Easter when a protagonist of a film is trying to find an… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares
Encouragement A Word Of Hope Don’t be like those of this world who don’t know right from wrong. They know nothing of what they do. They are lost in need… TweetSharePinShareShare0 Shares